Our planet vs far right’s bullying lies

New investigations just revealed that powerful networks of climate change deniers and far-right figures have gone into overdrive spreading toxic smears about the brave young people who inspired millions of us to march.
From suggesting they're puppets bankrolled by billionaires to claiming they're “brainwashed” and “abused” -- people everywhere are being bombarded with disinformation about these courageous kids. It’s just one example of how the far right is using social media to drown out the voices of those who speak truth to power, and spread their lies to citizens everywhere.
But, we’ve found an *AWESOME* way to fight back ...
A small Avaaz investigative team in Europe uncovered disinformation networks that generated 3 BILLION views in just a year. We splashed it all over the media, reported it to Facebook, and within days, they took it down! This was just six countries in Europe -- now we need to roll this out across the globe!
If we all chip in now, we can launch urgent investigations into the biggest disinformation networks that are spreading lies and hate on everything from climate change to refugees. Our movement is a leading force in the global fight against these toxic lies -- and if we raise enough, we can scale up the team, and get to work right away!
Our beautiful Earth is on the brink, and all over the world people are taking to the streets to save it. But it won't happen if our people are divided by far-right lies -- so chip in now and let’s go all out to defend the truth and our planet.