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End the aid blockade in Gaza, now!

End the aid blockade in Gaza, now!

First came the bombs. Then the soldiers. Now -- starvation.

After 100 days of war, this is the face of Gaza: a starving child, desperate for anything to eat. Half the population is now facing starvation, while mountains of aid are waiting at the border.

Aid agencies are begging for access, but Israel is stopping the trucks. We can help.

There's 60 million of us -- if we all give whatever we can, we can power a massive campaign, demanding aid is allowed into Gaza and that the war stops. We'll support journalists to expose the full horror being inflicted on children, and supercharge human rights groups that are gathering evidence of war crimes.

Over 25,000 people have already been killed, almost half are children. As if that were not enough, now those still alive are being starved. We can't let that happen. Chip in now, and let's build a single deafening cry to save Gaza's children!