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European bombs on Rafah

President Von der Leyen, President Macron, Bundeskanzler Scholz, and all EU leaders:

European weapons are being used to commit war crimes in Gaza. With 1.4 million Palestinians trapped in Rafah, an Israeli invasion could be the most deadly thing Israel does since the start of their brutal attack on Gaza. President Biden has already warned that the US will end arms sales to Israel if they invade Rafah - it’s time for Europe to do the same.

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European bombs on Rafah
Israel is about to launch a ground invasion on Rafah – where 1.4 MILLION Palestinian civilians, women, children and babies are trapped.

They have nowhere to go.

Now, even the US, Israel’s biggest ally, has paused arms sales over Israel’s plan to invade Rafah.

This could be a turning point, yet European governments continue to sell child-killing bombs and bullets, profiting from indiscriminate murder and war crimes.

It has to end! Sign this urgent petition now, calling on European governments to STOP ARMS SALES to Israel.

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