To all EU governments, members of the EU Parliament and the President of the European Commission:
As EU citizens who want to engage in European politics, we call on you to adopt effective regulations for the European Citizens' Initiative (ECI). Initiatives should be given enough time (18 months), and they should not require signatures from more than one-fifth of the Member States. Demanding ID or passport numbers from signers is an unnecessary hurdle that should be avoided. Citizens must be able to present initiatives in a public hearing with the Commission. The ECI must encourage and facilitate citizen participation.
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The European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) requires the EU commission to act when it receives a request from over 1 million citizens - and Avaaz has launched the first one calling for the GMO freeze. But now, some officials are reluctant to increase citizen participation in governance and are pushing for stringent conditions that would render the ECI inaccessible and toothless.
Negotiations are in their final critical phase. A massive public outcry in support of leading Members of the European Parliament could influence the debate and strengthen our hand in European law making forever. Sign the petition and spread the word --- our petition will be presented by the Parliamentarian negotiators right into the final meetings.
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