EU: End the ivory trade
To the EU Commission:
As global citizens deeply concerned about the future of elephants, we call on you to adopt a full ban on ivory exports, and a full domestic trade ban. A ban on exporting raw ivory is not enough -- the future of the species is in jeopardy and shouldn't be overruled by niche economic interests.
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This blood ivory is illegal but the existence of legal ivory already on the market has been shown to give a cover for more and more ivory -- and continued slaughter. For years governments have been using China as an excuse -- it was the largest market, and if they stayed open, that was that. Now the game has changed -- China just shut down their market.
This is an incredible opportunity. In just weeks, EU ministers will meet to discuss next steps on their market, giving us a crucial chance to keep this momentum going. Let's build a massive global call, urging on champions like Germany and France -- and ban ivory in Europe for good.
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