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Climate inferno: Power our fight for a liveable future!

Climate inferno: Power our fight for a liveable future!

We just experienced the hottest month ever recorded on planet Earth.

Global heating is entering a terrifying new phase, and over 100 people just died in another record-breaking wildfire, this time in Hawaii.

The pandemic killed millions and put the world on lockdown. But the intensifying climate crisis will be of a totally different magnitude, lasting for centuries. This is the fight of our lives -- for our lives.

Our movement has a pivotal role to play, right now. From putting major governments on trial for fuelling the climate crisis, to fighting for strict new Amazon protections, the months ahead could be decisive.

If you're already feeling the extreme urgency of this moment, please make a one-off donation to fund our fight. Avaaz is 100% funded by people like you, and if we raise enough, our movement could: 
  • Supercharge a ground-breaking court case that could legally force 32 European governments to take radical climate action. We're going all out, but funding is tighter than ever. 
  • Intensify our pressure on key governments to announce strict new protection measures for the Amazon rainforest.
  • Support 21 young people who are putting the entire US government on trial for intensifying the climate crisis. This historic case could accelerate our fight for the future like nothing else -- and we can fund its very foundations.
  • Launch bold, new mass-mobilisation campaigns to put maximum pressure on decision makers at this crucial moment in history; and
  • Support vulnerable communities in the wake of climate disasters -- reacting at lightning speed with huge campaigns to draw global attention.
When the world is in peril, you don't stop fighting -- you go harder than ever. Let's do it together! Donate what you can now.