Facebook: Stop Sharing Fake News!
To Mark Zuckerberg, CEO, Facebook:
We are global citizens and Facebook users concerned that the spread of fake news poses a serious threat to our democracies. We call on you to immediately create a system that detects fake news, alerts users to its presence, and bans those perpetuating it. Much like you’ve already successfully done with pornographic content.
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Most people get their news from social media -- and because Facebook failed to stop fake news during the election, more people saw bogus reports (like that the Pope endorsed Trump) than top real news!
It’s not just the US -- the far right everywhere is spreading hateful, racist lies that millions believe to be true. And unless we stop them, the Trumps of France, Brazil, and more will use it as their own secret weapon to win.
Facebook knows exactly what it needs to do -- flag, fact check, and ban the lies. The CEO is dragging his feet, but a group of his own staff are demanding he act -- let's back them with a million strong call.
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