Urgent - sign this appeal to defend the Amazon and Indigenous lands!
To the Brazilian Senate and to Brazilian President Mr. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva:
We call on you to stop the vote on Bill 490/07 (named Bill 2903/2023 in the Senate), which will gut the government’s power to guard the rainforest, strip the rights of hundreds of Indigenous communities to their land, and roll back nearly 30 years of progress in protecting the Amazon and key biomes. This unconstitutional attack on the rights of Indigenous people must be rejected. We also demand that you immediately stop all attempts to undermine the Indigenous Peoples Ministry and the Environment Ministry of Brazil. Without them, there is no future for Brazil and its people.
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A few days ago, the Brazilian Senate approved a bill that will allow miners and tree cutters back into our forests and sacred lands, attacking the rights of Indigenous people like me.
Our country is so divided that we need a truly outcry from Brazilians and people from all over the world to stop this law. Brazil must feel the full weight of a global spotlight right now!
Now it's up to Brazil's President Lula to decide whether or not to veto this law! And I need your help to convince him.
Without the Amazon and other biomes, and without the protection that Indigenous peoples' lands offer to our forests, rivers, to biodiversity, there is no way we'll avoid global ecological apocalypse.
Please sign this urgent appeal for a total veto of bill 2903/2023 and let's stop this attack on the forests and indigenous lands. I will take your voices inside the Brazilian congress and to President Lula myself as soon as we reach one million voices.
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