Whale blood on Germany’s hands
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Over 33 endangered fin whales have been slaughtered already and the hunt is set to continue all summer -- with a permit to harpoon up to 184 of these magnificent creatures. The best way to stop the whalers is to prevent them from profiting. If we bombard the German authorities with messages and calls right now we can make sure they don’t turn a blind eye to the dead fin whales on their doorstep. German elections are coming up and whale blood on government hands isn’t a good look!
Greenpeace activists stopped the whale meat from leaving Hamburg on a ship bound for Japan and the meat will now be sent back to Iceland. But we need to make sure that all fin whale meat is legally banned from German ports so that this doesn't happen again. Send a message to German Environment Minister, Peter Altmaier and the mayor of Hamburg Olaf Scholz using the box on the right
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