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Boris Johnson: AID NOT BOMBS

To Prime Minister Boris Johnson:

 We reject your warmongering. Yemen is facing famine -- yet you cut aid, and continue to sell arms, fueling the misery for millions of people. We implore you to choose compassion over profit. Join the US and Italy and immediately stop all arms sales to the Saudi/UAE-led coalition.

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Boris Johnson: AID NOT BOMBS
Boris Johnson is determined to profit from death and starvation, selling the Saudis -- who've been accused of war crimes in Yemen -- billions of pounds in arms. If that wasn't bad enough, Johnson is slashing humanitarian aid funding for millions of Yemenis on the brink of famine.

While the US and Italy have stopped arms sales, the UK has sold its soul to the highest bidder. Yemen's children will pay the price. It's time to tell Boris that we reject his war-mongering. We support peace.

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