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UN: Kick polluters Out!

To Simon Stiel, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Climate Change Secretariat. :

Fossil fuel lobbyists are hijacking the world’s most critical climate talks with a single goal: to undermine progress. In solidarity with the most vulnerable nations and the billions already bearing the brunt of climate change, we call on you to reform the UN process and ban Big Oil from these negotiations in time for the next climate talks in Brazil. Only you can do it. Make the world proud.

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UN: Kick polluters Out!
They are everywhere.

The Big Oil delegation at this year’s climate talks outnumbers the representatives from all the countries most vulnerable to climate change put together. How is it possible that those destroying our climate have more influence than the millions suffering its worst effects?

These lobbyists are clear on their mission: sabotage any meaningful progress to phase out fossil fuels. But ours is even clearer: kick these dirty polluters out of the talks so world leaders can finally take decisive action.

Right now, a powerful coalition of hundreds of civil society groups is on the ground at the conference center, fighting to make this happen. With hundreds of thousands of signatures, we can supercharge their efforts and stand a real chance of kicking Big Oil out. Let’s make it count.

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