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Urgent push for a media inquiry!

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See the talking points to the left for ideas and add your own reasons why we need a robust inquiry to strengthen Australian media.
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Urgent push for a media inquiry!

Write a message to members of the government -- here are some suggested points to raise:

I believe that there should be a robust inquiry into Australia’s media because current regulation doesn’t foster a diverse, informative media, and News Limited controls 70% of what Australians read in the news every day.

I encourage you to remind the Prime Minister that she has an overwhelming public mandate to call for this inquiry -- 60,000 Australians have called on her to do so.

I believe we need a “fit and proper person” or public interest test to determine if media acquisitions are in the interest of our society.

Australia needs a balanced privacy law that protects people from invasive and ruthless journalism without stifling free speech or public interest reporting.

The concentration of media power in just a few hands undermines the heart of a democratic society. People need to have access to a variety of viewpoints and form their own opinions.


In 48 hours, PM Gillard will decide whether to support a full inquiry to clean up our media -- and an urgent outcry from all of us now could swing the decision.

Last week, The Australian, Murdoch’s flagship newspaper, was caught publishing lies about the Prime Minister -- proving that we need to look deeply into the state of our media. And powerful Labour MPs are supporting the inquiry, but Murdoch’s press is rabidly campaigning against it. We can drown out their lobby and bring an overwhelming call for change.

Let’s send our MPs a flood of messages calling for a robust media inquiry -- and help our MPs and the PM take this critical first step to save our democracy from manipulation and lies at the hands of media moguls. Send an urgent message directly to Parliament now and forward this to your friends.

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