World Bank: Let our girls stay in school!
To the Executive Board of the World Bank:
All girls belong in school! Tanzania's policy of expelling girls for being pregnant should be scrapped -- and we urge you to use your loan as leverage to make it happen. There should be no new loan until all girls are allowed to stay in school.
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Amazing! The World Bank just postponed their vote on this loan, creating even more pressure on the Tanzanian government to scrap this dreadful policy. Now let's keep it up until all girls are allowed to stay in school!
Every year thousands of young girls in Tanzania are permanently kicked out of school for being pregnant.
We're talking about girls as young as 12 repeatedly forced into invasive pregnancy tests. Then instead of getting support for likely sexual violence, they're blamed, humiliated, and denied an education. What future can they possibly have?
But we have a golden opportunity for change, right now.
In 24 hours the World Bank will decide on a massive new loan to Tanzania. Let's make sure it's only granted if the ban on pregnant school girls is lifted. No new loan until all girls are allowed to stay in school -- sign now and pass this on, fast!
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