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Last hours to stop Murdoch's UK media takeover

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Last hours to stop Murdoch's UK media takeover

Update: 6 July 2011

The pressure is working. David Cameron just announced an inquiry into the hacking scandals. But details are unclear and he's stubbornly refusing to freeze Murdoch's media takeover. Let's send messages to ensure the government goes further.

Update: 11 July 2011

Incredible! This week we sent 160,000 messages to Hunt and Cameron. And we've been heard. There will be two public inquiries into the hacking outrages, and Jeremy Hunt has been forced to delay the BSkyB deal because we've sent so many submissions to his consultation. Let's now press to ensure there's no BSkyB sell off until the inquiries show us the whole truth about News Corporation criminal acts.

Last week Jeremy Hunt said he'll allow Murdoch to own all of BSkyB. Now a series of reports of criminal and indecent Murdoch journalism are coming out -- hacking murdered Milly Dowler, the Soham girls, and the 7/7 families! We have a few hours to flood the BSkyB public consultation and stop the deal.

We've done it before -- in the last consultation Hunt said our avalanche of 40,000 messages delayed the deal as his officials had to read each email carefully, fearing a legal challenge. Now our voices could halt the deal and get a full inquiry into this vile hacking.

Murdoch's media tramples standards and ignores ethics, and the whole country is horrified. But the government is pushing to give him full control of our largest commercial broadcaster. It's an outrage and threatens the very pillars of our democracy! The official consultation ends today. Send a message now calling on Hunt and Cameron to refuse Murdoch's BSkyB deal until there's a full Competition Commission review and a full public inquiry into phone hacking:

Posted: 5 July 2011

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