End unpopular presidents
To state-lawmakers across America:
As citizens deeply concerned with improving and strengthening our democracy, we urge you to support the National Popular Vote bill. Winner-take-all statutes have meant that most Americans don’t receive the attention they deserve from presidential candidates, and that our interests are ignored. It’s time to make sure that every vote, in every state, will matter in every presidential election.
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The innovative Popular Vote Plan is genius. It’s legislation that would guarantee the candidate who receives the most popular votes is elected. And it doesn’t require Congress!! To pass, it only needs the support of enough states to equal 270 electoral votes -- and there’s already 10 states on board, equaling 165 electoral votes, and 4 more states with pending legislation. There is movement here, and we can accelerate it.
In the wake of Tuesday's nightmare, there’s a huge push to get this legislation across the line — and if we supercharge it with a national outcry delivered state-by-state to supportive legislatures — we could turn this crisis into a massive opportunity to reshape our democracy before the next election. Sign the urgent Popular Vote petition on the right now.
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