EU: seal the deal for nature!
To the EU Commision, Council and Parliament:
As citizens from across the EU, concerned about the rampant degradation of nature, we call on you to pass an ambitious and legally binding Nature Restoration law with clear time-bound and results-based targets for 2030 and 2050 that all Member States will have to comply with. You have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to turn the tide on the nature and biodiversity crisis and put ecosystems, including farm land, on the path of recovery.
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Now we have an opportunity to help bring them back. This summer, the European Parliament will negotiate a binding nature restoration law that would restore our woods, clean our rivers, and limit pesticide use to bring back the bees.
Conservative parties are lobbying hard to water down the deal because they want to secure votes from farmers ahead of next year’s elections – but together we can push back and show that a strong law to protect nature benefits everyone, including farmers.
Sign now and if enough of us join, Avaaz will bring our voices straight to the negotiation table and go all out to counter the lobbyists.
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