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1 million kids in school

To the leaders of the World Bank, Germany, France, Canada, Qatar, Japan, the US and Kuwait :

When school starts this fall, 1 million Syrian refugee children will be left out. As global citizens, we call on you to fulfill your funding pledges in time for them to get the education they deserve. A generation has already been robbed of a peaceful childhood. Let's not steal their only chance to escape poverty and seek a better future. Please ensure there is 'No Lost Generation' by paying the pledges now to get every child back in school.

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1 million kids in school
12-year-old Hadeel* and her family fled hell on earth in Syria and took refuge in Lebanon. With the start of the school term coming, she dreams of going back to school but her family can’t afford transportation.

Every day, young Syrian girls like Hadeel in refugee camps are married to older men, while the boys her age are sent to work for hours in terrible conditions, and left vulnerable to extremist recruitment. None of them have been in a classroom for years.

In a cruel twist, just a few months ago, rich countries committed, hand on the heart, to fully fund the education of kids like Hadeel. But with no one holding them to it, they seem to have forgotten their promises to 1 million Syrian children. In just one month, they are going to gather again and maintain business as usual, unless our global community and the media watches every move.

Sign and share this campaign until we reach 1 million signatures. When we get there, a delegation of children will hand our petition to the cheapest countries at the New York Summit, so Hadeel and 1 million others can get the education every child needs and deserves. *Her name was changed

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