No Jail Time for Birth Control
To Congress President Juan Orlando Hernández:
As concerned citizens, we urge you not to criminalize contraception. Your proposed Decree 54 would make Honduras the only country in the world to punish the use or sale of the morning-after pill with jail sentences of up to 6 years. We urge you to reject this extremist law and respect women's basic rights.
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Some Congress members agree that this law -- which would also jail doctors or anyone who sells the pills -- is excessive, but they are bowing to the powerful religious lobby that wrongly claims the morning-after pill constitutes an abortion. The head of the Congress, who wants to run for President of Honduras and cares about his reputation abroad, can stop this. If we pressure him now we can shelve this reactionary law.
The vote could happen any day now -- let’s show Honduras that the world will not stand by as it jails women for preventing pregnancy even after sexual violence. Sign the urgent petition on the right calling on the President of Congress Juan Orlando Hernández to stand up for women’s rights. If we reach 400,000 signatures, local women's groups will personally deliver our outcry to Hernández.
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