Save Africa's Eden
To Pohamba Shifeta, Minister of Environment and Tourism in Namibia:
As global citizens, we urgently call on you to revoke the drilling permit that allows ReconAfrica to destroy the wilderness and threaten the local community culture to search for oil. We urge you to stand with the Kavango communities and protect the Okavango Delta!
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But my people are tired of corruption, and we will not be silent as this oil giant threatens us, our rights and pushes wildlife closer to extinction.
I'm Thomas Muronga, Chair of the Kapinga Kamwalye Community Conservancy.
In our ancestral home, we've safeguarded iconic species like lions and giraffes, but Africa's elephants, once 26 million strong, have dwindled to under 450,000. The largest remaining elephant herd in Africa, a mere 130,000, that call the Okavango home, teeters on the brink, threatened by ReconAfrica. Can you imagine them no longer existing?
In June 2022, we joined the Economic and Social Justice Trust, an advocacy group fighting corruption and advocating for rights in Namibia, in a massive appeal against Minister Pohamba Shifeta's approval of ReconAfrica's exploitative activities, despite blatant violations of rights and laws.
But after two years, we still have NO ruling. Meanwhile ReconAfrica has continued to pillage and disembowel our land and our livelihoods -- completely unchecked.
Join our global call NOW to tell Minister Pohamba Shifeta to stop delaying a ruling and save the Okavango Delta! For its people, my people and its magnificent wildlife -- sign now and share with those you know!
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