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Paris March Next Steps

Paris March Next Steps
The government just announced our massive Paris People’s Climate March has been cancelled.

This is crushing for all of us, who have had enough heartbreak already. But the Global Climate Conference is going ahead, and together we can still deliver the magnitude of our call with the biggest symbolic climate action ever at La Republique on the eve of the summit.

As a first action -- we’re going to cover the Place and all the surrounding streets, as far the eye can see, with shoes to represent our marching feet. They’ll be hundreds of thousands of ‘marching shoes’ -- a pair for each of us

We may not be able to march, but this massive symbolic act can show how many Parisians are standing together for everything we love. This will be our way of saying terror will not and cannot silence our collective dream of a 100% clean, 100% united future for ourselves, our children and our planet.

Take a pair of shoes, write your name on it, decorate it, fill it with your message of hope for our future, whatever inspires you and post them to: 19 Rue Garibaldi, 93110 Montreuil.


Drop them off with the volunteers wearing pink shirts at the exit 4 direction at La République from 8am to 7pm any day from Friday 20th til the 28th of November.

PS : All the shoes collected will be donated following 29 November.

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