General Electric: Don't poison paradise!
To General Electric CEO John Flannery:
As citizens from America and across the world, we call on you to reconsider investing in East Africa's first coal plant, which could wreak havoc on a fragile ecosystem, destroy a historic community’s way of life, and threaten Kenya’s climate change pledges. The project is incompatible with your mission to make the world work better and cleaner. We urge you to support carbon policies that reduce emissions and invest in the use of renewables instead of fossil fuels.
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Locals are battling in the courts to protect their precious mangrove forests and fishing grounds, and studies show that the coal power would be crazily expensive. But it’s not enough -- global megacorporation General Electric is about to bail out the project with hundreds of millions of dollars.
The decision is imminent, and investors are up in arms. If enough of us make this personal to GE’s new Boston-based boss, John Flannery, we could stop him signing. When this is massive, we’ll take out an ad in a big Boston paper and on a billboard close to Flannery’s golf club. Sign now to stop the climate-killing Lamu coal plant.
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