Put Putin on trial
To World leaders:
As citizens from across the world, we urgently call on you to hold Putin and his accomplices personally accountable for their illegal invasion of Ukraine by creating a new Special Tribunal for the punishment of the crime of aggression. We also call on you to fully support the International Criminal Court’s separate investigation into alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity in Ukraine. There will never be peace without such accountability – we are counting on you.
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We are closer than ever to hold Putin to account for his war crimes in Ukraine, and all the unimaginable suffering he’s causing.
Our pressure helped make this happen -- now we need governments everywhere to put real power behind this warrant. We can make this call for justice massive overnight: please add your voice and share urgently!
As terrified mothers and children flee the bombs and bullets, Putin is committing the ‘supreme international crime’ — aggression — right before our eyes. There is a powerful way to hold him to account: a new Nuremberg-style tribunal to prosecute him personally for this heinous act.
The Ukrainian foreign minister, Dmytro Kuleba, is calling for the world to create this new special court and support is growing fast. Massive public backing would give this idea irresistible momentum and it would send Putin and his cronies a powerful message – the world is going to hold you personally to account.
This new court is key to defending not just Ukraine but the entire world from an attack that was illegal from the minute it began. Join the global call to prosecute Putin’s crime in a new Nuremberg-style tribunal with one click – and Avaaz will work directly with renowned experts to get this moving.
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