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Stop Putin’s Famine

To world leaders:

We are citizens around the world shocked by Russia’s attacks on Ukraine’s grain, which threaten to starve millions around the world. We urge you to do everything in your power to end Putin’s blockade and ensure Ukraine’s grain can feed the world again.

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Stop Putin’s Famine

Putin's missiles have already burned 220,000 tons of grain in Ukraine - enough to feed almost a million people for a year.

Ukraine is the breadbasket of the world, and countries on the verge of famine in East Africa rely heavily on its wheat. Now Russia is treating grain ships as potential military targets – and food prices have already gone up everywhere.

We can’t let Putin’s blockade starve the world. Russia is gauging the international reaction: African leaders and even China have already called out its cruel war on food – and the global uproar could make it reevaluate. Add your name now, and when it’s massive we’ll bring our call to key leaders who can up the pressure on Putin – sign and share everywhere.

Image source: Kremlin photo pool
Posted: 4 September 2023

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