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No more senseless drownings

No more senseless drownings

Johanna just wanted her tiny baby to have a life worth living.

So fleeing violence, poverty, and hunger, she gambled on a flimsy, inflatable dinghy -- hoping it would take them to the safety of Europe. But it ended in tragedy.

The boat deflated, and 6-month-old baby Joseph died.

Over 900 people have drowned in the Mediterranean this year -- it could be THOUSANDS if it wasn't for humanitarian rescue boats. And that's the problem: some EU countries are now shamefully blocking those civilian rescue missions from leaving port.

All but one.

In the entire Mediterranean, there's now just one civilian rescue boat still operating: the Open Arms. Their commitment is incredible, facing violent coast guards, stormy seas, and daily heartbreak. They've rescued over 60,000 people from the sea -- and they're desperate for funding. We can help.

Many of us are facing serious challenges of our own -- but this is our chance to be a lifeline for some of the world's most vulnerable, people who may otherwise be left to drown, miles out at sea.

If enough of us chip in, we could help fund this rescue ship through the icy winter weeks, support other missions fighting through administrative red tape, and supercharge our fights for human rights everywhere. Donate what you can now.
*The picture above has been taken aboard one of the refugee rescue missions in the Mediterranean, but is not a picture of Johanna and Joseph whose story is being portrayed in this campaign.

**Since we've launched this fundraiser, at least one additional mission has been cleared for operation by the Italian maritime authorities. We're relieved by the news, and as they prepare to set sail in January, our team will explore opportunities to support and work with them going forward.