Lokpal -- make or break
To Prime Minister Manmohan Singh:
We stand with Anna Hazare. We call on you to endorse the Jan Lokpal bill and act urgently to implement effective measures to tackle corruption. We want a new era of corruption-free politics in our country.
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But opposition parties are split on the issues we care about most. If enough of us tell our party leaders that our votes depend on them supporting an independent and strong Jan Lokpal that includes the PM, MPs, judges and the CBI, we could tip the balance and push through a real anti-corruption bill.
The government is hoping to use party leaders to abandon Jan Lokpal. Let's show them the people of India are not backing down. When we reach 700,000 signatures, we will put up hard-hitting billboards for a strong Lokpal across Delhi to bring our message directly to political leaders. Sign the petition now!
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