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Save Amina from death by stoning

To the authorities and High Court of Sudan:

As citizens from around the world, we urgently call on you to overturn Amina’s cruel stoning death sentence, and to release her immediately in light of the deep irregularities in her trial. Sudan must ensure its criminal justice abides by international law, including the Convention against Torture.

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Save Amina from death by stoning
Death by stoning.

This is the cruel fate that Amina is facing in Sudan. She’s only 20 years old, and a judge decided she deserved to be tortured to death for adultery in the first stoning sentence in a decade.

But there is still hope: Amina has appealed to Sudan’s High Court, which could overturn the sentence and save her life.

There’s no time to waste: Amina is stuck in jail until the court decides her fate -- so let’s shine a bright spotlight on her case with a global show of solidarity and outrage. Add your name now and when it’s massive, we’ll take our call directly to key governments Sudan is trying to court, so they demand Amina's release. Sign now and share with everyone.

PS: We changed Amina's name to help protect her identity at her lawyer's request.

Photo by Lana H. Haroun: Sudanese student Alaa Salah leading protest chants in Khartoum during Sudan’s revolution in April 2019. 

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