Save Sweden's forests
To Swedish Environment Minister Lena Ek:
As concerned citizens, we call upon you to immediately declare Ojnareskogen and surrounding areas an EU protected nature area. This unique forest is threatened with destruction to make way for a massive limestone mine. You have a responsibility to protect these ancient trees, and we urge you to act immediately and decisively to save Ojnareskogen.
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Public pressure forced the logging company hired to wreck this pristine site to pull out, and Naturvårdsverket (the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency) is mounting a legal challenge to save the trees. But the courts have refused to step in and stop the mining project while they decide whether to accept the case -- and it's only a matter of time before the logging begins again.
Environment Minister Lena Ek can immediately declare this beautiful forest a protected nature zone -- sign the petition to demand she acts now, then forward this email to everyone. When we reach 30,000 signatures, Avaaz will deliver our call to her in Stockholm.
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