Stand with Greece
To the people of Greece and the Troika:
We, citizens in solidarity from around the world, support the Greek people voting ‘No’ to more failed austerity policies, more unemployment, more pensions cuts, and more children in poverty. We urge the Troika to end its economic tyranny of Greece, hold a debt conference to restructure and reduce Greek debt, and put people before banks.
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![Stand with Greece](
German Chancellor Angela Merkel's nearly religious faith in slash and burn austerity has been totally discredited -- by history, by the vast majority of world governments from the US to Brazil, by conservative opinion leaders like the Economist who implore the Germans to see reason, and by 5 years of Greek pain as their economy contracted by 25%, unemployment doubled, and their debt problem only got worse.
If 1 million of us put our voices all over Greek radio, newspapers and TV in the 72 hours, urging them to reject Germany's senseless demands, it could help give them courage to choose the better path. Because if the Greek people say no, Merkel will be forced to choose reason, or destroy Europe for her faith. And our community will press her to, finally, do the right thing. Join now -- let's get started.
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