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Trump: we're with Haiti

To Donald Trump:

We're with Haitians, with Salvadorans, with Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, and Nigerians. We're with people all over the world that you disparage out of ignorance or for political gain. From around the world we say that we are united against your hate. If anyone is not welcome, it's you.

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Trump: we're with Haiti
Trump just called Haiti a "shithole" and wondered whyhe'd want anyone from there, or African countries, to come to the US.

It's exactly the kind of racism and division we've come to expect from Trump, so it's no surprise. But it doesn't mean we should accept it from anyone, especially the President of the United States.

Let's stand up to this ignorant bully
-- sign the open letter to say we stand with Haitians, and with everyone Trump insults and ignores on a regular basis. When a million of us sign, Avaaz will publish it in the Washington Post.

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