Stop the bloody gold mine
To World Bank President Jim Yong Kim:
We call on you to cancel World Bank funding of the Conga gold-mining project in Peru, which is being forced through at gunpoint at the cost of innocent lives. Initiated with inadequate public consultation and environmental assessment, this mega-mine threatens Peru’s waterways with toxic chemical pollution. We urge you to demonstrate the Bank’s commitment to supporting the poor and dispossessed by canceling funding and helping to stop the Conga project.
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Already, Peru’s police have killed five demonstrators in an effort to ensure that an American mining company can turn a billionaire profit. But residents have been protesting for months to save their water, fearing this mine will destroy their rivers and habitat with toxic chemicals. The World Bank is financing this project, while it's brand-new President hopes to mark his tenure with projects that support the poor. Together, we can convince him to cut the financing of the Conga mine as his first big move to support the people and not big business.
Right now, this mega mine is literally being forced on people at gunpoint. We have no time to lose -- let’s call on the new World Bank president Jim Yong Kim to stop financing a bloody gold mine that people despise, while cleaning the Bank's reputation. Sign now and share this campaign with all your friends.
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