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Defend Our Food from the Monster Mergers

To competition and antitrust regulators in the US, EU and elsewhere:

As citizens from around the world concerned about our food and farming, we call on you to stop mergers between large agricultural mega-corporations. The proposed Bayer-Monsanto, Dow-Dupont, and ChemChina-Syngenta mergers are each anticompetitive, not in the public interest, and will not serve the public good. Your action now can protect our food, our farming, our ecosystems and our health.

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Defend Our Food from the Monster Mergers
Monsanto and other mega-corporations have a new plan to dominate our ENTIRE global food system through a series of monster mergers. This is the epic fight for our food, and we can only win if we come together fast.

Our food system is already basically controlled by 6 big companies. Now key regulators are considering their proposals to form 3 corporate beasts exercising unthinkable power over our governments and us. But if we build the biggest petition ever to protect our food and health, and back it with studies on how the mergers are against the public good, we can block them.

It can feel impossible to take on Monsanto and Bayer and their billions, and maybe they think by teaming up they can beat us. But our community has stopped them multiple times just this year, and this battle is too important to sit out! Join now and share with everyone.

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