They're asking us for a miracle
To the families of Pope Mountain, and leaders around the world:
As citizens from around the world, we want you to know that you are not alone. We stand with you and support your nonviolent sit-in to defend your homes, land and way of life. We call on all world leaders to demand that Prime Minister Netanyahu cancel all plans to destroy this community. We specifically call on the European Union and International Criminal Court to urgently make clear to the Israeli government that destroying this community crosses red lines and will have serious repercussions.
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Today those hilltops are home to an indigenous community who are about to be bulldozed into the ground. Their homes, land, and way of life completely wiped out.
But these brave families refuse to fade silently into the darkness. Instead, they are taking a huge risk, rising up against the bulldozers by nonviolently "sitting-in" their homes. They're betting on a miracle: that their act of courage will inspire people around the world to help stop the bulldozers before they crush them.
We can be that miracle.
This destruction can only happen under total media darkness. Click to stand with the families, and the Avaaz team will join the community and project our names onto these homes -- so when the military bulldozers come, they won’t just see a small village huddling in fear -- they’ll see the world standing as a protective shield around the families of Pope Mountain.