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Stop wolf hunting in Europe

To all EU head of states:

We don't want wolf hunting in Europe! We urge you to maintain the conservation status of wolves as "strictly protected" under the EU Habitats Directive and the Bern Convention, and to block any downgrading reforms by the European Commission.

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Stop wolf hunting in Europe
Wolf hunting is back in Europe. That's what a new European Commission resolution will mean if we do nothing.

Chased, trapped, hunted and slaughtered for centuries, wolves were until recently completely eradicated from Western Europe. Hundreds of them have now returned to our continent, playing a crucial role in regulating other species and boosting biodiversity.

But powerful lobbying from farming interest groups are pushing for a major reversal: downgrading wolves’ conservation status from “strictly protected” to just “protectedwithout any reliable scientific data to back it up.

This reform is a license to kill wolves.

The member states of the European Union are about to vote. A simple majority will be enough to cancel years of wolf protection. We can’t let that happen. Let's send EU leaders this simple message: These majestic creatures must be protected; not slaughtered.

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