Stop wolf hunting in Europe
To all Environment Ministers of EU Member States:
We are extremely concerned about the mass culling of wolves in Europe. We strongly urge you to uphold the current conservation status of wolves and to prioritise preventive measures to protect livestock from attacks.
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EU Member States have endorsed the European Commission’s proposal to lower the protection status of wolves under the Bern Convention. There are still a number of steps to be taken before EU Member States are allowed to hunt even larger numbers of wolves than what is already allowed — so let’s keep up the fight to ensure that wolves are not sacrificed in Europe for political ends.
Wolf hunting is back.
It’s a top priority project on Ursula Von der Leyen’s desk, and if we don't act fast, hundreds of wolves will soon be shot dead all over Europe.
Hunted for centuries close to extinction, wolves have recovered thanks to a strict conservation policy—with a positive impact on species regulations and biodiversity.
Now old fears and misconceptions have resurfaced, and the EU Commission wants to weaken their protection without reliable scientific data and despite effective alternatives to protect livestock.
But nothing is settled yet:
In weeks, EU member states will cast their votes. Insiders predict it’ll be tight and President von der Leyen is pushing hard for it. That’s why dozens of environmental organisations are mobilising people across Europe—add your name and share with your friends: We must coexist with wolves, not kill them!
Credit photo: Chabe01 — CC BY-SA 4.0
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