Join the movement for a fossil free Amazon
To President Noboa of Ecuador and all leaders of Amazonia:
As global citizens, we urgently call on you to make the Amazon fossil fuel free. You must protect the forest and its people from oil and gas extraction, and support a concrete phase out plan to enable a just transition to renewable energy. We stand with all Indigenous peoples across the Amazon fighting to protect their rights and homes from fossil fuel extraction. The science is clear: we must protect the remaining intact Amazon forest to safeguard global biodiversity and ensure a livable climate for all.
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But a year later, Ecuador's new president wants to carry on with drilling anyway!
Indigenous leaders and allies in Ecuador are mobilizing like crazy to ensure Ecuador's democracy and rainforest are protected -- and they need us to show President Noboa and other Amazon leaders that drilling against the will of the people will unleash a powerful global backlash.
Add your name now to stand with the Ecuadorian people and demand a permanent end to drilling in the Amazon!
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