Swine flu: investigate and regulate
Swine flu: investigate and regulate:
To Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO and Dr Jacques Diouf, Director-General of the FAO: We call on you to investigate and develop regulations for factory farming in accordance with public health safety standards. Food production must be regulated to ensure global health security.
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Our delivery could look like this
Let's call on the United Nations World Health Organisation and the Food and Agriculture Organisation to fully investigate and regulate these farms to protect global health. Big agrobusiness will try to obstruct any attempts at reform, so we need a massive outcry that health authorities can't ignore.
Sign the petition below - We reached 200,000 signatures in just 6 days! We will deliver it to the WHO in Geneva with a herd of cardboard pigs. Tell your friends and family and for every 1000 petition signatures we will add a pig to the herd:
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