Child abuse: no more cover-ups
To: David Cameron and Nicky Morgan:
As citizens shocked by recent child abuse allegations, we call on you to introduce a "duty to report" law so that all children are protected from abuse. The law must apply to all institutions where ‘Regulated Activities’ take place, mandating all staff who know, suspect, or have reasonable grounds for knowing or suspecting child abuse, to inform the Local Authority Designated Officer or children's services. This is the only way to ensure that an independent assessment can happen right away, and to stop perpetrators as soon as possible. The statutory guidance system has failed; it’s time for tougher laws to protect children now.
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Now's our chance: Labour’s Ed Miliband backs a change in the law as do many Tories and Lib Dems, and right now there's a bill in parliament that can make it happen. Let’s shout loud and clear that protecting our kids can't wait. Click to sign this petition and then share this widely--when we reach 50,000 Avaaz will work with allies in parliament to force a vote.
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