Stop spying on citizens
To Interior Minister Friedrich, the government and all members of the Bundestag:
As citizens concerned about the erosion of our rights and privacy we call on you to immediately open a public investigation into the spying-allegations, strictly apply the Supreme Court ruling at federal and state level and establish a dataprotection-taskforce, composed of experts and politicans, to remove legislative loopholes and grey areas and protects our privacy permanently from digital abuse.
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The Behördentrojaner can be used to turn on our computer microphones and cameras to record us without our knowledge. Law enforcement agencies have repeatedly ignored our Supreme Court and deployed this spyware -- which goes far beyond legal wiretapping. While the government is considering whether to respond with a limited review or a full inquiry, our intervention can make the difference.
If we speak out now, we can get the Federal government to agree a public investigation and the establishment of an inclusive data protection-taskforce to maintain our privacy as the Supreme Court has ordered. Let's stand together to defend our rights and end this Orwellian nightmare - sign the petition and spread the word. It will be delivered directly to Interior Minister Friedrich and the Bundestag when we reach 100.000 signatures.
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