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Kill coal, not the planet!

To Dr. Joachim Wenning, CEO of Munich Re, and all other insurance CEOs :

We're calling on you to stop insuring and investing in coal and tar sands. These are the worst fossil fuels driving climate change, and they pose a massive threat to the future of our planet and our children - as well as your insurance business.

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Kill coal, not the planet!

With Trump at the wheel, climate change is spinning out of control -- but now we can create his worst nightmare by canceling coal's insurance contracts!

Trump loves the coal power plants that threaten life on earth, but coal can’t survive without insurance. Big providers are starting to dump coal thanks to public pressure -- and we can make sure a HUGE company, Munich RE, is next!

This would light a fire under the entire industry! Munich RE is deciding right now -- and in days they’re meeting their biggest customers at an insurance summit in Germany. Let's show up with 1 million signatures, delivered with massive billboards and media ads, to stop Trump’s coal dream destroying our climate!

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