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Say no to Trump's Gaza takeover!

To President Trump and all US government officials:

We, the American people, oppose any US action resulting in the ethnic cleansing of Gaza, and reject any attempt to place it under US control. We know that occupation is not the path to peace, and we urge you to abandon this illegal and immoral plan.

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Say no to Trump's Gaza takeover!

President Trump is pushing forward with his plan to ‘take over’ Gaza - threatening to ethnically cleanse the children and families finally returning home after more than a year of unspeakable atrocities.

I’m horrified - I fought in the Iraq war, and I’ve seen first-hand what happens when the US tries to take control in the Middle East: endless, bloody conflict funded by our tax dollars.

Republican and Democratic lawmakers know this, and they’re pushing back hard on Trump’s crazy Gaza takeover - sign now to show that they have massive public support behind them, upping the pressure on President Trump to drop this plan forever!

*The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense visual information does not imply or constitute DOD endorsement.

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