Stop the sugar epidemic
To Prime Minister David Cameron and Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt:
As citizens concerned about the damage added sugar does to our health, we call on you to take immediate action to curb the sugar epidemic in the UK. We urge you to introduce mandatory labels that clearly display the worst types of sugar in our food, and to force the food industry to cut its sugar use by 40% by 2020. We also call on you to ban junk food ads on all marketing channels that reach children. These simple steps could prevent the public health crisis we are currently heading towards.
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You’re probably eating far more sugar than you realise. The food industry uses it excessively, even where we least expect it —ready meals, soup, you name it. It’s got so bad that a group of government advisors just said our sugar intake needs to be cut in half to protect our health. That's a great first step — but big food companies will fight tooth and nail to stop it happening. And that’s where we all come in.
There are 3 simple steps the government can take to stop the sugar rush: introduce clear sugar labels on food products, force the food industry to cut its sugar use by 40% and ban junk food ads targeting our kids. Advisors just told our government that drastic sugar cuts are needed — our plan will do exactly that. Let’s call on our politicians to sign up to it. Click to add your voice, then share this with everyone.
Dr. Aseem Malhotra - cardiologist and science director of Action on Sugar - with the Avaaz team
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