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US Governors: Defend our rights

To US Governors and the Department of Justice:

As people across the United States, we are deeply concerned by a series of proposed state laws that would unnecessarily criminalize, penalize, or punish various forms of peaceful protest. Free speech and assembly are core to our most fundamental political and civil rights -- and they must be protected. We ask that you review and oppose laws that violate the rights of protesters.

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US Governors: Defend our rights
The right to protest is under attack in America. More than 12 states are considering a range of crazy laws to crack down on the wave of democratic dissent spreading across the country.

The Arizona Senate passed a bill to prosecute protesters the same way they would the mafia or terrorists, and over a dozen more states are considering similarly anti-democratic proposals. But none of these bills can become law without a governor’s signature -- and if any violate fundamental rights the Justice Department has a responsibility to investigate.

In this time of enormous threat, protest is one of our most important tools for change. Let’s protect our rights and mount massive pressure on the governors considering signing away our democratic rights.

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