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Tell your MP: vote down the Brexit deal

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Tell your MP: vote down the Brexit deal
The numbers are in, and they are stunning.

Polling commissioned by Avaaz shows that Britain overwhelmingly rejects Theresa May’s Brexit deal, and wants MPs to vote it down in Parliament!

63% of people with a view say they don’t want the deal if it makes us poorer, as the government says it will. And 70% want MPs to vote it down if they don’t feel it’s in our interest!

Theresa May is putting massive pressure on MPs to back the deal. Will you send an urgent message calling on them to vote down the deal and give the people the final say in a new public vote?

You might mention that all scenarios under May’s deal will leave Britain poorer and subject to EU rules with no say in making them, and that the best way to break the deadlock is to trust the British by giving them the final say on Brexit in a new public vote.

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