Zuckerberg: clean up Whatsapp!
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and WhatsApp CEO Chris Daniels, and government regulators:
The evidence is overwhelming that WhatsApp has become a weapon of mass democratic destruction. We demand, for the sake of the futures of your children and ours, that Facebook/WhatsApp immediately install disinformation protection for all WhatsApp users, and make encryption optional so that users can choose to assist efforts in monitoring disinformation. You must delete all fake and fraudulent accounts and correct fake news circulated on your platform. If you will not act, we call on regulators to do so.
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How could this insanity happen when just weeks ago over 60% of Brazilians said they would NEVER vote for him?
Bolsonaro’s supporters and business allies used Facebook's WhatsApp to illegally spread vast quantities of fake news in Brazil, convincing tens of millions of voters that Bolsonaro's opponent distributed "gay kits to turn school kids gay", advocated incest and child sex, and rigged voting machines. Believing lies like that, often illegally delivered directly to their phones, many Brazilians chose what they thought was the “lesser” monster.
Mark Zuckerberg could have quickly cleaned up this act. He could have AT LEAST sent an apology to all the innocent citizens who received these mass lies telling them they were victims of illegal psychological and information warfare, and set the record straight.
Instead, he watched silently, and Facebook profited, as another democracy was hacked to death.
Now, with another Facebook Fascist rising to power, this is our moment to shame Facebook and Whatsapp into acting to inform citizens, families and communities when our accounts have been hacked by disinformation - sign the petition and Avaaz will blanket Silicon Valley with our message.
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