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A child's nightmare - stop underage webcam sex

To Justice Ministers, Police Chiefs and Child Protection Chiefs:

As citizens concerned about children’s mental and physical welfare, we call on you to crack down on Webcam Child Sex Tourism. This will require announcing a plan for intercepting potential predators in public chat rooms, initiating prosecutions and challenging intermediaries who enable and profit from this vile trade. We expect you to act fast, decisively and accountably, to prevent more young lives being ruined.  

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A child's nightmare - stop underage webcam sex
More than 551,887 people signed this petition to call on police and child protections authorities to take action and stop webcam child sex. We would like to thank everyone for their support!

Virtual girl Sweetie tracked down 1000 perpetrators of online sexual child abuse in 2013, showing the extent and nature of webcam child sex tourism worldwide. Every single day hundreds of thousands of children are victim of webcam sex with 750,000 men worldwide looking for online sex with children in more than 40,000 public chat rooms.

The campaign was followed by global outrage, the United Nations put the subject high on its agenda and in the Philippines, children were rescued from internet dens. However, it is still too easy to approach children for sex through the internet.

This petition is now closed, but the fight to eradicate webcam child sex continues. With ‘Sweetie 2.0: stop webcam child sex’ Terre des Hommes Netherlands is taking it a step further. Learn more about Sweetie 2.0 and find out how you can help here

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