Let’s get our money back!
To European Energy Ministers:
As concerned citizens from across Europe, we ask you to immediately start taxing the exorbitant profits fossil fuel companies are earning, as well as others profiteering from the global energy crisis created by Putin’s war in Ukraine. The money should be given back to European citizens, to support families and to drive forward the renewable energy revolution to protect our planet and make our future energy supplies more reliable.
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With winter coming and gas prices expected to double before the end of the year, the European Commission is rushing a proposal to tax the energy giants' obscene profits channeling those funds straight back to consumers. And some European countries are already advocating to go even further by taxing all financial institutions – using their immense earnings to fast-track a green transition, leaving behind soaring oil and gas prices entirely.
EU Energy Ministers will meet in a few days to discuss the measure. So join the global petition urging Europe to tax the super-rich so we can heat our homes. When we hit 1 million, Avaaz will welcome them by wallpapering the Commission with thousands of electric bills from EU consumers to mount the pressure.
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