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Release urgent aid to Yemen’s people

To the US, EU all the other governments that have committed money to the Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan but have not paid in full:

Thank you for committing funds to aid the people of Yemen. With the raging cholera epidemic and the rainy season coming, they need it now more than ever. With the Humanitarian Response Plan less than 40% funded, we call on you to urgently meet and exceed your commitments immediately. Withholding this life-saving aid money is costing lives every day.

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Release urgent aid to Yemen’s people
Right now, every minute a child in Yemen is infected with cholera.

That’s why a team of Avaaz staffers spent the week figuring out what our movement could do immediately to have the most impact, and help save lives. After talking to high-level government and UN representatives as well as investigative reporters on the ground, the Avaazers discovered that several key countries are withholding life-saving aid that they promised to the UN months ago. And nobody is holding them accountable.

Join now to call on the US and EU to fulfill their promise for life saving aid money to Yemen immediately, and Avaaz will put a team on critical advocacy and campaigning right away!

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