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UK: End Yemen’s agony

To UK Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Boris Johnson:

As global citizens we are concerned for the millions of people in Yemen facing starvation because of Saudi Arabia’s relentless campaign. Saudi Arabia is the UK's biggest arms customer and British-made weapons have been used to fuel this war and its human consequences. You have a duty to protect people, as your Arms Trade Treaty obligations make clear. We call on you to initiate an immediate suspension of arms exports to Saudi Arabia and use your influence to call for an immediate ceasefire and for humanitarian aid to be allowed unhindered access into the country.

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UK: End Yemen’s agony
A child in Yemen dies every ten minutes. But Yemen’s kids are not starving to death: they are being starved. Deliberately.  And the UK government is one of the biggest suppliers of arms to the coalition doing it.

For two years, British-made bombs have been falling from British-made planes as part of a Saudi-led coalition at war in Yemen. The same coalition is blocking aid into the country, where 80% need emergency assistance.

Insiders tell us that the British government is nervous about public fall-out. If we can raise the pressure now, they could be pushed to get their allies to allow food and medicine in. Join the urgent call to Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson to stop this shame:

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