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Stand with Kiribati

To world leaders and financial institutions:

As global citizens gravely concerned about climate change we call on you to back the President of Kiribati's call for an urgent moratorium on all coal mining expansion. When you're in a hole you have to stop digging: stop new mines, end funding for the most polluting energy on the planet, and shift resources to clean energy alternatives and support for affected workers and other vulnerable populations.

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Stand with Kiribati
The President of a tiny Pacific island nation being battered by rising, warming seas is now taking on the world's climate killing coal industry -- and together we can help him win.

Kiribati's President Tong knows that his country is done for if the world doesn't stop using coal fast. That's why he's taking a bold stand -- calling for an immediate end to new coal mines -- not one more!

But the coal industry is very powerful, and desperate -- he won't win unless a million of us join in to build momentum and get other heads of state, bankers, CEOs on board and snowball into a force strong enough to take on dirty coal billions.

With a global public outpouring behind the common-sense call to stop coal, we can powerfully lobby key leaders, call out blockers with hard-hitting ads, and empower grassroots fights -- sign the petition now!

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