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Adi M.
a inițiat această petiție pentru Through this petition we ask for eurovision Romania to do a revote
Prin aceasta dorim sa fim recunoscuti... ca poporul care a schimbat votul si regulile... Cerem de la TVR si de la Eurovision Romania sa reconsidere castigatorul concursului ESC Romania 2019 castigatorul televotului. Motivul pentru care cerem aceasta reconsidere a voturilor este faptul ca juratii au sabotat voturile si ca asa-zisul "juriu european" nu a facut altceva decat sa distruga clasamentul.
Sa le aratam juratilor ca nu suntem nesemnificativi... ca decizia noastra este cea care conteaza...
Aceasta petitie este impotriva sistemului de votare si nu impotriva concurentilor, cantecelor lor sau a castigatorului...
Through this we sure want to be known... as the people who changed the vote and the rules... We ask for TVR and for Eurovision Romania to reconsider the winner of ESC Romania 2019 the winner of the televote. The reason for this petition is the fact that the judges sabotaged the voting system and this so called "european jury" didn't made anything else than distroy the ranking
Let's show to the judges that we are not insignificant... our choice is the one that matter.
This petition is against the voting system and not against the contestants, their songs or the winner. ...
Prin aceasta dorim sa fim recunoscuti... ca poporul care a schimbat votul si regulile... Cerem de la TVR si de la Eurovision Romania sa reconsidere castigatorul concursului ESC Romania 2019 castigatorul televotului. Motivul pentru care cerem aceasta reconsidere a voturilor este faptul ca juratii au sabotat voturile si ca asa-zisul "juriu european" nu a facut altceva decat sa distruga clasamentul.
Sa le aratam juratilor ca nu suntem nesemnificativi... ca decizia noastra este cea care conteaza...
Aceasta petitie este impotriva sistemului de votare si nu impotriva concurentilor, cantecelor lor sau a castigatorului...
Through this we sure want to be known... as the people who changed the vote and the rules... We ask for TVR and for Eurovision Romania to reconsider the winner of ESC Romania 2019 the winner of the televote. The reason for this petition is the fact that the judges sabotaged the voting system and this so called "european jury" didn't made anything else than distroy the ranking
Let's show to the judges that we are not insignificant... our choice is the one that matter.
This petition is against the voting system and not against the contestants, their songs or the winner. ...
Publicat 17 February 2019 (Actualizare: 8 October 2019)
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